Monday, January 16, 2017

Was Star Trek The First Show To Say "Pregnant" On Television?

Still from "The Trouble with Tribbles" (1967)
In "The Trouble with Tribbles," when asked about the furry creatures that have begun to infest the Enterprise, Dr. McCoy explains to Captain Kirk that, "The nearest thing I can figure out is they're born pregnant, which seems to be quite a time saver."

This was the only time the word "pregnant" was uttered on the original Star Trek. McCoy had been scripted to say, "I just finished examining her. She's pregnant," at the end of "Who Mourns for Adonais?" — but the scene was cut during editing. And although "Friday's Child" was centered on a pregnant woman (played by Julie Newmar), neither the word "pregnant" nor the word "pregnancy" were said on air.

Nearly fifty years after the episode was made, however, "Tribbles" writer David Gerrold is making a much more grandiose claim about it:
This was the first time the word 'pregnant' was used on TV. Lucy couldn't use it when she got pregnant.
- David Gerrold, Commentary track for "The Trouble with Tribbles," Star Trek: The Original Series - The Roddenberry Vault (2016), 32:35-32:40
Gerrold's anecdote about I Love Lucy has been confirmed by multiple people involved with the famous sitcom. In his posthumous memoir, for example, producer Jess Oppenheimer wrote:
The network [CBS] had already issued a firm edict that we could not use the word "pregnant" on the show. We could say she was expecting." She could be "with child." But never "pregnant." They were still deathly afraid that some segment of the public would find something offensive in our pregnancy shows.
- Jess Oppenheimer with Gregg Oppenheimer, Laughs, Luck...and Lucy: How I Came to Create the Most Popular Sitcom of All Time (1999), p.198
The episodes covering Lucy Ricardo's on-screen pregnancy were filmed and broadcast in 1952 (during I Love Lucy's second season), fifteen years before "The Trouble with Tribbles" first aired on NBC (on December 29, 1967). When it came to the emerging medium of television, much had changed, both creatively and technically, between 1952 and 1967. Is it really possible that the word "pregnant" went unused on TV until Star Trek?

As it turns out, the answer is a definite no. Although I've hardly done comprehensive research in this area, the word "pregnant" shows up at least five years earlier on The Dick Van Dyke Show. In "Never Name a Duck," written by Carl Reiner (who also created the series), an eccentric character says of her cat, "She thinks she's pregnant." The episode first aired on September 26, 1962, and the relevant line can be viewed here.

It's possible, of course, that "pregnant" appeared on television earlier. I certainly don't know enough about the subject to claim with any certainty that The Dick Van Dyke Show was the first show to say "pregnant" on television, but it certainly precedes the use of the word on Star Trek. If you know of earlier examples, I'd love to hear about them in the comments below.

Image courtesy of Trek Core.


The Robert H. Justman Collection of Star Trek Television Series Scripts (1966-1968)

Laughs, Luck...and Lucy: How I Came to Create the Most Popular Sitcom of All Time (Jess Oppenheimer with Gregg Oppenheimer, 1999)


  1. Yeah, There are A LOT of claims about Star Trek being the 'First Time' they get away with....fill in the blank. Usually it comes from Richard Arnold so consider the source but others are guilty of it too. As the years roll on the legend just keep getting BIGGER. Another great topic would be to look at the 'Star Trek even spoke out against Vietnam' claim which if you really listen to the dialog, Kirk was taking a stand FOR the war, which is surprising given Gene Coons beliefs, then again he was gone by then.

  2. I think I lost a little of my love for Star Trek after reading your posts. Nothing wrong with them, but... So much of the magic was a lie. And Gene Roddenberry seemed like such a nasty fellow... Ans Star Trek really wasn't that much of a "first" on anything... And a lot of concepts and designs were rip-offs... Was it even that progtessive? Is the "first inter racial kiss" thing a lie, too? Jezz... :(

    1. Star Trek didn't get to nearly as many places FIRST as the ever-growing behind-the-scenes mythology would have us believe, but that shouldn't diminsh the show's many achievements. It certainly hasn't diminshed my enjoyment of the series, which, at its best, remains a bold, colorful, exciting, ambitious, relentlessly optimistic, and highly entertaining action-adventure show. The show wasn't always at its best, of course, but very few television shows are, and even fewer have remained in the popular imagination for as long as Star Trek.

      As for Roddenberry, he remains a complicated, often misunderstood figure, capable of some terrible things, as well as greatness. Despite there being three major biographies of the man (and several other minor ones), I still feel as if the definitive biography of the man has yet to be written. Many other major figures who worked on Star Trek - Gene Coon, Bob Justman, Herb Solow, D.C. Fontana - are still waiting for their first biography. There's much scholarship yet to be done on Star Trek and those in its orbit, despite how much is already out there.

  3. Sorry, but the word, “pregnant” was used three times by Samantha, Darren and Aunt Clara in episode 6 of season 2 of Bewitched which aired on October 21 1965.

    1. No need to apologize! This topic was challenging to research (other than sitting down and watching thousands of hours of television, which is not practical) and I'm sure there are other examples that I've missed.

      Since writing this, I've learned that "Pregnant" was also used on "The Benefactor," the April 28, 1962 episode of The Defenders.

      However, this example from Bewitched is new to me and I appreciate it.

    2. Sorry, but while childbirth is a wonderful thing and the reason we exist, while people hearing 'pregnant' today on television wouldn't even turn a hair, there is something about the use of the word 'pregnant' (same Latin root as 'impregnated') that I find distasteful for those times, where things were usually put more delicately.

      To me it is the same as hearing Darrin say, "Sorry Sam, I just need to go to the can first."

  4. And March 13, 1963, in an episode of "The Virginian," "The Golden Door."

  5. In Dragnet, Season 3 Episode 31 "The Big Girl", air date April 1, 1954, Joe's captain says "pregnant".
